Heterogeneous and context-dependent systems are common in real-world processes, such as those in biology, medicine, finance, and the social sciences. However, learning accurate and interpretable models of these heterogeneous systems remains an unsolved problem. Most statistical modeling approaches make strict assumptions about data homogeneity, leading to inaccurate models, while more flexible approaches are often too complex to interpret directly. Fundamentally, existing modeling tools force users to choose between accuracy and interpretability. Recent work on Contextualized Machine Learning (Lengerich et al., 2023) has introduced a new paradigm for modeling heterogeneous and context-dependent systems, which uses contextual metadata to generate sample-specific models, providing context-specific model-based insights and representing data heterogeneity with context-dependent model parameters. Here, we present Contextualized, a SKLearn-style Python package for estimating and analyzing personalized context-dependent models based on Contextualized Machine Learning. Contextualized implements two reusable and extensible concepts: a context encoder which translates sample context or metadata into model parameters, and sample-specific model which is defined by the context-specific parameters. With the flexibility of context-dependent parameters, each context-specific model can be a simple model class, such as a linear or Gaussian model, providing direct model-based interpretability without sacrificing overall accuracy.
@article{ellington2024contextualized,doi={10.21105/joss.06469},url={https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06469},year={2024},publisher={The Open Journal},volume={9},number={97},pages={6469},author={Ellington, Caleb N. and Lengerich, Benjamin J. and Lo, Wesley and Alvarez, Aaron and Rubbi, Andrea and Kellis, Manolis and Xing, Eric P.},title={Contextualized: Heterogeneous Modeling Toolbox},journal={Journal of Open Source Software},}
Purifying Interaction Effects with the Functional ANOVA: An Efficient Algorithm for Recovering Identifiable Additive Models
Ben Lengerich, Sarah Tan, Chun-Hao Chang, and 2 more authors
In Proceedings of the Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) , 26–28 aug 2020
Models which estimate main effects of individual variables alongside interaction effects have an identifiability challenge: effects can be freely moved between main effects and interaction effects without changing the model prediction. This is a critical problem for interpretability because it permits “contradictory" models to represent the same function. To solve this problem, we propose pure interaction effects: variance in the outcome which cannot be represented by any subset of features. This definition has an equivalence with the Functional ANOVA decomposition. To compute this decomposition, we present a fast, exact algorithm that transforms any piecewise-constant function (such as a tree-based model) into a purified, canonical representation. We apply this algorithm to Generalized Additive Models with interactions trained on several datasets and show large disparity, including contradictions, between the apparent and the purified effects. These results underscore the need to specify data distributions and ensure identifiability before interpreting model parameters.
@inproceedings{lengerich2020purifying,title={Purifying Interaction Effects with the Functional ANOVA: An Efficient Algorithm for Recovering Identifiable Additive Models},author={Lengerich, Ben and Tan, Sarah and Chang, Chun-Hao and Hooker, Giles and Caruana, Rich},booktitle={Proceedings of the Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)},pages={2402--2412},year={2020},editor={Chiappa, Silvia and Calandra, Roberto},volume={108},series={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},month={26--28 Aug},publisher={PMLR},informal_venue={AISTATS},keywords={Interpretable, Generalized Additive Models, Theory},}
Learning Sample-Specific Models with Low-Rank Personalized Regression
Modern applications of machine learning (ML) deal with increasingly heterogeneous datasets comprised of data collected from overlapping latent subpopulations. As a result, traditional models trained over large datasets may fail to recognize highly predictive localized effects in favour of weakly predictive global patterns. This is a problem because localized effects are critical to developing individualized policies and treatment plans in applications ranging from precision medicine to advertising. To address this challenge, we propose to estimate sample-specific models that tailor inference and prediction at the individual level. In contrast to classical ML models that estimate a single, complex model (or only a few complex models), our approach produces a model personalized to each sample. These sample-specific models can be studied to understand subgroup dynamics that go beyond coarse-grained class labels. Crucially, our approach does not assume that relationships between samples (e.g. a similarity network) are known a priori. Instead, we use unmodeled covariates to learn a latent distance metric over the samples. We apply this approach to financial, biomedical, and electoral data as well as simulated data and show that sample-specific models provide fine-grained interpretations of complicated phenomena without sacrificing predictive accuracy compared to state-of-the-art models such as deep neural networks.
@inproceedings{lengerich2019learning,title={Learning Sample-Specific Models with Low-Rank Personalized Regression},author={Lengerich, Benjamin J. and Aragam, Bryon and Xing, Eric P.},journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},year={2019},informal_venue={NeurIPS},keywords={Interpretable, Contextualized},}
In many applications, inter-sample heterogeneity is crucial to understanding the complex biological processes under study. For example, in genomic analysis of cancers, each patient in a cohort may have a different driver mutation, making it difficult or impossible to identify causal mutations from an averaged view of the entire cohort. Unfortunately, many traditional methods for genomic analysis seek to estimate a single model which is shared by all samples in a population, ignoring this inter-sample heterogeneity entirely. In order to better understand patient heterogeneity, it is necessary to develop practical, personalized statistical models. To uncover this inter-sample heterogeneity, we propose a novel regularizer for achieving patient-specific personalized estimation. This regularizer operates by learning two latent distance metrics—one between personalized parameters and one between clinical covariates—and attempting to match the induced distances as closely as possible. Crucially, we do not assume these distance metrics are already known. Instead, we allow the data to dictate the structure of these latent distance metrics. Finally, we apply our method to learn patient-specific, interpretable models for a pan-cancer gene expression dataset containing samples from more than 30 distinct cancer types and find strong evidence of personalization effects between cancer types as well as between individuals. Our analysis uncovers sample-specific aberrations that are overlooked by population-level methods, suggesting a promising new path for precision analysis of complex diseases such as cancer.
@article{lengerich2018personalized,author={Lengerich, Benjamin J. and Aragam, Bryon and Xing, Eric P},title={Personalized Regression Enables Sample-specific Pan-cancer Analysis},journal={Bioinformatics},volume={34},number={13},pages={i178-i186},year={2018},informal_venue={ISMB},doi={10.1093/bioinformatics/bty250},url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty250},eprint={/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/bioinformatics/34/13/10.1093_bioinformatics_bty250/1/bty250.pdf},keywords={Interpretable, Contextualized, Statistical Genetics, Genomics, Cancer},}
Recent years have seen important advances in the building of interpretable models, machine learning models that are designed to be easily understood by humans. In this work, we show that large language models (LLMs) are remarkably good at working with interpretable models, too. In particular, we show that LLMs can describe, interpret, and debug Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). Combining the flexibility of LLMs with the breadth of statistical patterns accurately described by GAMs enables dataset summarization, question answering, and model critique. LLMs can also improve the interaction between domain experts and interpretable models, and generate hypotheses about the underlying phenomenon. We release TalkToEBM as an open-source LLM-GAM interface.
@article{bordt2024data,author={Bordt, Sebastian and Lengerich, Ben and Nori, Harsha and Caruana, Rich},title={Data Science with LLMs and Interpretable Models},journal={AAAI Explainable AI for Science},year={2023},informal_venue={AAAI XAI4Sci},keywords={Interpretable, LLMs},}