Lecture 03 - A Linear View of Discriminative and Generative Models

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Discriminative and Generative Models

Generative Models: Model the joint distribution, $P(X, Y)$. They aim to model the underlying data distribution Discriminative models: Models the conditional distribution, $P(Y\mid X)$. They focus on just distinguishing between different classes.

The discriminative and Generative Path to $P(Y\mid X)$:

Both Discriminitve and generative models end at $P(Y\mid X)$ but they get there in different ways.

Generative Models Observe X and Y, then learn $P(X\mid Y)$, $P(Y)$ and calculate $P(X) = \int P(X,Y) \, dY$. Then, use these to calcualate $P(Y\mid X) = \frac{P(X\mid Y)P(Y)}{P(X)}$. When looking to calculate $\hat{Y}$, we just need to learn $P(X\mid Y)$ and $P(Y)$. Then we can calculate $\hat{Y} = \arg\max P(X\mid Y) \cdot P(Y)$

Discriminitive Models Observe X and Y, and then learn $P(Y\mid X)$ . It is a more straightforward approach, but you do not learn as much about X, Y and their distributions. Similarily, if we are looking to get $\hat{Y}$ from observing X and Y, we can learn $P(X \mid Y)$ and use it calculate $\hat{Y} = \arg\max P(Y\mid X)$

Example Discriminative Model - Logistic Regression:

Our goal here is to observe X and Y and from them learn $P(Y\mid X)$. We do this through Parameterization:

Why do we do this parameterization? If we take the log-odds and simplify, we get: $\log \left( \frac{P(Y = 1 | X)}{P(Y = 0 | X)} \right) = \theta^T X$ .

This provides a linear relationship between the input features X and the log-odds of the outcome Y. By using the sigmoid function, we map this linear relationship to the probability space, ensuring that the predicted probability lies between 0 and 1.

Using these paramterizations, we can calculate $\hat{\theta}$ from observations of X and Y in our data: $\hat{\theta} = \arg\max \prod_{i} P(Y_i \mid X_i; \theta) = \arg\max \sum_{i} \left( Y_i \log \sigma(\theta^T X_i) + (1 - Y_i) \log (1 - \sigma(\theta^T X_i)) \right)$

Example Generative Model - Naive Bayes:

Our goal here is to observe X and Y and from there learn $P(X\mid Y)$ & $P(Y)$ and calculate $P(X) = \int P(X, Y) \, dY$. Then, use these to calcualate $P(Y\mid X) = \frac{P(X\mid Y)P(Y)}{P(X)}$. We do this through Parameterization:

A note on this parameterization? This is making the assumption of condtional Independence of the features in $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n$ given the class label Y. This allows it to simplify the join probability as the product of individual feature probabilities, as is shown in the first bullet. This assumption is why it is the “Naive” Bayes.

Using these paramterizations, we can calculate $\hat{\mu}, \hat{\sigma}$ and from observations of X and Y in our data: $\hat{\mu}, \hat{\sigma} = \arg\max_{\mu, \sigma} P(X\mid Y)$ $P(Y = 1\mid X) = \frac{\prod_{j=1}^{d} P(X_j\mid Y=1) P(Y=1)}{P(X)}$

What about MAP/Regularization:

When we observe X and Y and learn $P(Y\mid X; \sigma)$, $P(\theta)$ in MAP. Our Parameterization stays the same:

From there, we estimate $\hat{\theta}$ from observations: $\hat{\theta} = \arg \max \prod_{i} P(Y_i\mid X_i; \theta) P(\theta) = \arg \max_i \sum_{i} \left[ Y_i \log \sigma(\theta^T X_i) + (1 - Y_i) \log(1 - \sigma(\theta^T X_i)) \right] - R(\theta)$

Then, we calaculate $P(Y\mid X)$

Discriminitive vs Generative Models:

Disciminative Models optimize the conditional likelihood: $\hat{\theta} = \arg\max_{\theta} P(Y\mid X; \theta) = \arg\max_{\theta} \frac{P(X\mid Y; \theta)P(Y; \theta)}{P(X; \theta)}$ Generative Models optimize the joint likelihood: $\hat{\theta} = \arg\max_{\theta} P(X, Y; \theta) = \arg\max_{\theta} P(X\mid Y; \theta) P(Y; \theta)$

Are these the same optimization? Only when $P(X; \theta)$ is invaraiant to $\theta$, as $\arg\max_{\theta} \frac{P(X | Y; \theta) P(Y; \theta)}{P(X; \theta)} = \arg\max_{\theta} P(X\mid Y; \theta) P(Y; \theta)$

Summary of Logistic Regression vs Naive Bayes:

Model Logistic Regression Naïve Bayes
Defines $P(Y\mid X; \theta)$ $P(X, Y; \theta)$
Estimates $\hat{\theta} = \arg\max P(Y \mid X; \theta)$ $\hat{\theta} = \arg\max P(X\mid Y; \theta) P(Y)$
Asymptotic Error Lower asymptotic error on classification Higher asymptotic error on classification
Convergence Speed Slower convergence in terms of samples Faster convergence in terms of samples

Andrew Ng’s Insights

Discriminative learning generally leads to lower error in the long run, but a generative classifier can reach its higher error rate more quickly as it learns. In other words, while discriminative models may perform better overall, generative models might be able to learn and converge faster, even if they don’t ultimately achieve the same level of accuracy. Why is this?

“While discriminative learning has lower asymptotic error, a generative classifier may also approach its (higher) asymptotic error much faster.” The assumptions of this statement:

Xue&Tittering 2008